We have a complete line of mowing equipment and a full time mowing staff during the growing season. We pride ourselves on keeping your lawn clean and neat throughout the growing season, because we know that having your lawn professionally mowed will greatly affect the overall look of your property. Our crew prides themselves on their lawns and know that a poorly mowed lawn can negatively influence the look of the entire property.
In addition, our maintenance crews work throughout the season to plant, weed, and prune, keeping your property looking first rate all the time. We feel that it is very important to have a specific regimen for your gardens. All living organisms need regular nurturing. Comprehensive knowledge of all plant material is key to understanding what is needed to keep them looking their best. The accumulated knowledge of our group could fill many books!
Complete property services from house checking and garbage collection to snowplowing and firewood delivery are an important part of our work. We essentially become responsible for your house when you are away and we take this aspect of our work very seriously.
We have a competent group of sub contractors, with whom we work regularly. We can arrange to have them do any projects that is out of our realm of expertise.

We pride ourselves on a solid knowledge of plant material and can always make recommendations and usually find sources for even the most obscure varieties.

We have knowledgeable subcontractors who take care of all our tree spraying and lawn applications. We do not do any spraying but are always happy to take care of coordinating these services for our clients.
We strive to run an organic operation, but given the onslaught of insect problems over the recent years it is not always possible. We use only “over the counter” insecticides or herbicides.
We actively compost the material that comes back to our shop and use organic fertilizers as topdressing and bed amendments.
So as you can see, we cover a lot of territory. We try to do all this with attention to detail and treat every property as if it were our own.